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Be a Change-Maker: Here's How You Can Help!

It all Starts with Voter Registration

  • Register to Vote & Verify Registration

    Voterizer logo, red & blue concentric circles and diagonal lines.I will vote logo. White lettering on blue background.
  • Register High School Students

    The Civics Center logoThird Act logo
  • Voter Protection for Anyone Having Trouble

    Logo for Voter ParticipationVoPro Pros logo. Large white V on aqua backgroundLogo for Vote Riders who help with Voter Id restrictions
  • Canvassing to Register Voters

    Field Team 6, logoSwing Left logo
  • Once They are Registered - Voter Guides

    Blue Voter Guide logoVote Smart logo

Then Get them to the Polls

  • Voter Guides for Filling Out Ballots

    Blue Voter Guide logoVote Smart logo
  • Voter Protection for Anyone Having Trouble

    Logo for Voter ParticipationVoPro Pros logo. Large white V on aqua backgroundLogo for Vote Riders who help with Voter Id restrictions
  • GOTV Canvassing in Person

    Swing Left logo
  • GOTV Text Banking

    Activate America, LogoMarkers for Democracy, logo
  • GOTV Phone Banking

    Markers for Democracy, logoSwing Left logo
  • Develop Text & Phone Banking Skills

    Resist Bot logoThe Democracy Labs, logo

    Resistbot "Is a chatbot that turns your texts into faxes, postal mail, or emails to your representatives in minutes."

    Democracy Labs "Phone-banking is an essential part of campaigns. Improve your skills with this course to better educate supporters. Recruit volunteers. Obtain donations. Increase turnout."

Finally, Support the Election

  • Become a Poll Worker

    VoPro Pros logo. Large white V on aqua backgroundPower the Polls, logoWork Elections, logo
  • Track Your Ballot

  • Preprocessing & Curing
    (Get those votes counted)

    Bipartisan Policy Center Logo. An arch made up of blue pillar and red pillarVoPro Pros logo. Large white V on aqua background

Resources for Writing to Voters

  • Get Postcard Addresses Here

    Activate America, LogoField Team 6, logoPostcards to Voters, logoPostcards4VA logoLogo for Grandmothers for a brighter future they send Postcards to votersMarkers for Democracy, logo
  • Buy Postcards Here

    Make sure to use the correct size postcards!
    Minimum Size: 3½ inches by 5 inches
    Maximum Size: 4¼ inches by 6 inches

    Field Team 6, logoMarkers for Democracy, logoEtsy logoOrder Postcard Stamps from USPS
  • Get Scripts for Letters to Voters

    Vote Forward, logo

Letters to Voters

    "Our small team is hard at work developing new campaigns, analyzing data, and working to improve the letter writing experience for volunteers like you!"

    Vote Forward
  • Not Sure How to Start with Postcards?

    Markers for Democracy, logo

    Postcard Writing with Markers For Democracy: We are so glad that you would like to start writing postcards!  Recent research shows that postcards are a very effective method of mobilizing Democrats.  

    Markers for DemocracySome Best Practices

Other Actions You Can Take

  • Make Strategic Donations

    Force Multiplier, logoFocus for Democracy logoLogo for Swing Left Impact Fund - strategic donationsBlue24 logo. white on black.The States Project, logo
  • Find a Local Group to Join

    Swing Left logoLogo for DemocratsIndivisible Logo
  • Collaborate with The Grassroots Directory

    Grassroots Collaboration Project logo. White lettering on blue background with image of grass.

    "A listing of organizations powered by volunteers, all working to ensure that pro-democracy candidates prevail in the 2024 elections and beyond.

    You can visit the site to find other grassroots groups or to add your own group."

  • Take Assorted Easy Actions

    Chop Wood, Carry Water, logo

Jessica CravenRogan's List, logo

Susan RoganField Team 6, logo
  • Be a Billboard

    Logo for Dems Make Life Better

    Wear at T-shirt - "Average citizens who are willing to spread Democratic messaging in their daily lives can have a huge impact on the outcome of the 2024 elections!"

    Prepare yourself for the conversations - Get the PDF!
  • Fight Disinformation & Follow the Money

    Fak Chex logo
Snopes logoOpen Secrets logo
  • Social Storming

    Field Team 6, logoGalvanize Action, logoActivate America, LogoDemcast, logo
  • Use Premade Content for Social Media

    Field Team 6, logoGalvanize Action, logoActivate America, LogoDemcast, logo
  • Field Team 6 Social Storming Training

    Field Team 6, logo

    "To win in 2024, we will reach out to millions of unregistered likely Democrats using our one-of-a-kind database and every outreach method possible (phone and text, postcard, email and targeted ad, and in-person too), where new Democratic voters will make the most impact – in the most flippable states and districts."

    Social Storm TrainingReady Made Content
  • Demcast Social Media Training

    Demcast, logo

    "To cultivate, amplify & maximize the impact of grassroots digital media, bolstering blue electoral and policy victories at all levels of government, across America."

    Social Media Tool KitReady Made Content
  • Use the Messaging Library

    "The Messaging Library is for all our voter conversations – phone banking, canvassing, voter registration, or talking with friends & family."

    "3V statements lead with shared values, name the villains and their motivations, and present the vision (and actions) of President Biden & Democrats." from Anat Shenker Osorio

    Logo for Bay Area Coalition
  • The Democracy Labs

    The Democracy Labs, logo

    "A hub for ongoing technology and creative innovation that serves campaigns and organizations at the national, state, and local levels."

    Video TrainingReady Made Content
  • Tell a Story, Make a Short Video

    The One Dem Minute Film Festival logo
  • Learn How to Start a Petition

    Demcast, logo

    "Movement Digital is a free app that let’s organizers create petitions in minutes and start collecting email addresses immediately. Petitions are shared on social media as a link packed with the information needed for supporters to sign it with just one click."

  • How to Write Letters to the Editor

    Common Cause Logo

    "We know the ultimate power in a democracy is the people. We are more than 1 million powerful, fearless, ordinary Americans working together to build a democracy that works for us all."

    Common Cause Letter Training
  • How to Issue a Press Release

    "A press release is an official statement that an organization distributes to news outlets or the public. It’s a formal way to collect all information relevant to a story into a one-page source. A press release’s function is to attract media attention."

    Step by Step - From Grammarly
  • You Can Do It... Run for Office!

    Run for Something logoRunning Start logoLeaders We Deserve logoEmily's List logo
  • Remember to Take Care of Yourself

    The Trevor Project, logoLogo for House of Ruth, an organization the helps women and children escape abusive situations.Never Leave the Playground, logo and picture of Stephen Jepson