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Videos, & Podcasts

The Project 2025 Song!

John Oliver's Summary of Project 2025

Jessica Craven's VERY short Summary of Project 2025

Project 2025 Specifics from Jessica Craven

How P2025 Could Dismantle Democracy - by Democracy Docket

Project 2025: The Plan To DESTROY Women’s Rights

From Red Wine & Blue Project 2025 - With Elizabeth Warren

From Red Wine & Blue Project 2025 - With Heather Cox Richardson

NAACP evaluates Project 2025 for the needs of our community

Wall Street Journal analysis of Project 2025

Robert Reich Project 2025 plans to take your freedom

Donald Trump has openly admired authoritarians around the world.Now, he’s pledging to rule like one.Today, On Point: An examination of the promises, powers and plans of a second Trump presidency.

What is Donald Trump's plan for a second term? He's got ideas of his own, the Republican party has released a platform document — but the most comprehensive set of policy ideas have been put together in a document called Project 2025. Here's what it says.